Top 10 logos of all time


THOMSON – very simple and stands out really well show the effect of the T going to is destination.


amazon – really simply and really effective if you look at it and see how the smile is at the A & the Z show the impact of how they sell anything from a-z.


APPLE – really powerful and retro I love the simplicity of how it flows and connects up. The logo is famously recognised around the world and is easily recognised by just the apple icon without the wording next to it.


bp – really powerful show all the different geometrical shapes and how well it fits together.


ebay – really bright and stands out with the letterforms all different shapes and sizes overlaying each other with lowered opacity.


FedEx – really stands out to me know the fact I can see the arrow in the E and the x and I will never look at this logo in the same way again.


Starbucks – very clean and tidy, with its simplistic illustrated mermaid. The logo stands out really well in its branding identity.


RedBull – has been around many years and has famously made its logo by sponsoring extreme sports. The logo is very powerful and catches the eye straight away.


pepsi – very simplistic and stands out really well from how it has been simplified over the years. The logo and typeface are very smooth and flows really well together.


NBC – very colourful and fits together really well showing the neck and head of the peacock in a negative spacing.

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